Sale Dates
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Last Regular Sale of 2024 Featuring Breds
Last Regular Sale with Calves /Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls featuring Breds
Breds will sell at Noon
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
To book in cattle click here to contact us!
Listed for Clint Miller
15 Red Heifers
Bred to a Red Angus Bull that was turned out from June 5 - August 5
Heifers were vaccinated with 8-way & Covexin Nov 6
Listed for Mundt’s Operations Inc.
20 Middle aged Red & Black Cows
Bred to Red Angus & Red Simmental Bulls turned out July 6
Listed for Will & Jeff Proudfoot
38 hd of Red & Tan Cows - 16 are 2nd calvers to Mature Cows
2nd calvers are bred to Red Angus Bulls & the 4th calvers to Mature Cows are Bred to Red Angus or Charolais Bulls
Bulls were all turned out July 1 - Aug 31
Cows are all on the Bovishield Gold Program & were vaccinated this fall
Listed for Jake Wiebe
10 Red Cows
Bred to Charolais Bulls
Bulls turned out July 1
Listed for Vern & Grant Brockman
16 Bred Cows
bred to Charolais Bulls that were turned out June 25 - early Sept
Given Bovishield Gold & Silence in spring and Ivomec in the fall
Listed for McComish Ag Ltd.
50 hd of Red & Black Middle aged Cows
Bred to Charolais Bulls that were turned out July 15
Cows were given Cattlemaster, Ultrabac 8 & Ivomec this fall
Listed for Darren McGillivray Consulting
19 Red Angus/Simmental cross Heifers
Bred to Red Angus Bulls turned out June 18
Listed for Travis Spady
10 Black Angus Cows - 3rd - 5th Calvers
Bred to Black Angus Bulls that were turned out June 10
On a full Vaccination Program
Regular Sale
Slaughter cows and bulls sharply higher, up $7-10. All calves very firm. There’s been a few backgrounded calves sold this week for Feb-March delivery and it looks like those cattle will be profitable for the people who retained ownership. This sure is a nice market for all participants and it’s about time! Ian
Bred Cow & Heifer Sale
Bred Cow & Heifer Sale
Full Broadcast with Online Bidding
Sale Starts at 12 noon
To book in cattle click here to contact us!
Listed for Osadczuk Cattle Co - Brad & Elaine Osadczuk
50 hd of red angus simm heifers
bred to guaranteed easy calving red angus bulls.
Bulls out June 14 for 60 days
Full zoetis herd health including Bovishield gold FP5 prior to breeding. These are top cut red heifers that have been culled for temperament, performance and eye appeal.
No brands.
25 hd of red angus simm heifers
bred to guaranteed easy calving Char bulls.
These Char bulls are GUARANTEED easy calving with multi generations of calving ease bred into them.
Bulls out June 14 for 60 days
Full zoetis herd health including Bovishield gold FP5 prior to breeding. These are top cut red heifers that have been culled for temperament, performance and eye appeal.
No brands.
Listed for Glenn & Loralie Martin
40 head of Black Heifers
Bred to Black Angus Bulls that were turned out from July 4 - August 26
All home raised Heifers
Bovishield Gold Program & 8-way in the spring
Listed for John Stuart
15 head of Black Heifers
Bred to Black Angus Bulls that were turned out from June 21 - September 14
All one owner Heifers bought through Dryland in the spring at a palpated sale
Were given 8-way and Ivomec in November
Listed for Sautner Farms & Six Pack Farms
100 Red Heifers - Palpated prior to Breeding
Bred to Red Angus Bulls turned out June 20 for 46 Days. Bulls from Pugh Red Angus & RSL Angus
Have been vaccinated with Vista Once/Som, Express FP5 & Ivomec at Preg testing
Listed for McNary Ranches
120 head of Red, RBF Heifers
Bred to Red Angus Bulls from Bellshill Angus that were turned out June 19th for 55 days (Bulls had a 72-76 lb BW)
Heifers were vaccinated prior to breeding with Bovishield Gold FP5 VL5, Ultra Choice 8 & Biomectin
Listed for Silver City Cattle Co.
80 head of Black & Red Cows
Full Herd Dispersal
Bred to Charolais Bulls turned out June 8
Cows are on the Bovishield Gold Program. Vaccinated in the Spring
Listed for Goodbrand Land & Cattle
65 head of Red /RBF Second Calvers
Bred to Charolais Bulls that were turned out from July 15 for 50 days
Bovishield Gold Program & 8-way in the spring
Listed for Troy Tattrie
40 head of Black Bred Heifers
Bred to Black Angus Bulls that were turned out from July 5 for 45 days
Bovishield Gold Program & 8-way in the spring
30 head of Black Second Calvers
Bred to Black Angus Bulls that were turned out from July 15 for 50 days
Bovishield Gold Program & 8-way in the spring
10 head of Mature Cows
Bred to Black Angus Bulls that were turned out from July 15 for 50 days
Bovishield Gold Program & 8-way in the spring
Listed for Darren Isaac
50 hd of Red Angus X Simm Cows.
Bred to Springside Char or Ruzika Red Simm Bulls June 20 for 60 days.
15+/- 3rd/4th calvers rest mature cows. Herd Reduction.
Full herd health including Pyramid FP5 prior to breeding.
Estate of Helen Tkach
15 Black Cows
Bred to Black Angus Bulls turned out from July 8 - Aug 25
Vaccinated with Bovishield Gold
Listed for Candll Ranch/Dar-Lin Ranching
200 head Angus X heifers. Mostly black with some brockles/blaze and a few reds
Full Estrus Synchronization program, heat detected and AI bred to sure shot calving ease Angus sire Coleman Below Zero 2106 for calving Mar 30 -Apr 1.
Special Opportunity
How often do you get to breed your heifers to a $150,000 bull? Tight calving window. Proven blk/red heifer bulls turned out for 20 day cleanup.
Full herd health including Cattlemaster Gold FP5 and Vision 8 Somnus.
Quiet and trained to electric fence.
Listed for Fossen Farms Ltd.
10 middle aged Cows
Bred to Black Angus Bulls turned out June 25
Regular Sale Featuring Calves
Slaughter cows and bulls $2-3 higher, volumes starting to decline. Calf market very firm but not advancing week after week like it was a few weeks ago. Bred heifers sold to nearly $6000 and dispersal cows a little over $5000. Lots of producers have been wondering whether these values are way too high. That is understandable considering that these prices are record high. There’s some reluctance to invest this heavily when the prospects of tariffs or other issues are on the horizon. The bottom line is we just don’t know about any of this stuff. All I know is that in my business life it’s not the things I saw coming and worried about that cost me the most money. It was always those things that came out of the blue that were the worst, so I don’t think there’s any way of anticipating the disasters. So, if we don’t think about the cruise missiles that can come and destroy our business and just focus on the fundamentals, this pricing on breds is well within historical guidelines. When compared to steer calf pricing they are actually less than they’ve been in other cattle cycles. We are no where near the end of this cycle, it is likely just getting started. One more thing. The price of breds is determined by the cow calf producer. When he feels like he has enough money and feed to expand he does. As of right now I’m not sure the producers feel like they’re profitable enough so we keep liquidating cows and not building the herd. The market is calling for more calves but they’re not coming, so prices will have to advance further so inspire expansion. Prices will continue to advance until this happens but it is not happening yet. Bottom line is that while this bred price is higher than we’re used to it’s probably not fundamentally very high. Just takes some getting used to. Ian
Bred Cow & Heifer Sale
Bred Cow & Heifer Sale
Full Broadcast with Online Bidding
Sale Starts at 12 noon
To book in cattle click here to contact us!
Listed for Gerald & Janice Elliott
40 hd of Red and Tan Bred Heifers
Bred to Red Angus Bulls In June 25 to Sept 27
These are reputation bred heifers
On Bovishield Gold Program with 8 way and Ivomec in the spring
Listed for White Ranches
75 hd of Red Heifers
Bred to Red Angus Bulls that were turned out from June 20 - August 10
They were given Bovishield Gold & 8-way in Spring & Ivomec & 8-way at time of Preg testing.
Heifers were palpated prior to breeding
Listed for Colton Battrum
30 head of one iron red bred heifers
Bred to easy calving Black Angus Bulls that were turned out from June 17 - August 1 for a 45 day breeding period
Full herd health with Express FP5 & Ultrabac 8 in the Spring & Express FP5, Vision 8, and Ivomec this Fall
Heifers were palpated prior to breeding for soundness and are very quiet
Listed for Brian & Cindy Link
44 head of Red Middle Aged Cows
Bred to Charolais Bulls that were turned out from June 25 - August 10
Cows have all been given 8-Way
Listed for Rolling View Ranch
44 head of Home Raised Cows
Bred to Black Angus Bulls turned out June 20 - Sept 1
Cows are given Bovishield Gold in the spring
Will be given Ivomec at preg testing
Listed for Ranahan Cattle Company Ltd (Lee Boisvert)
53 Red and RBF Angus X Bred Heifers
Bred to Angus hfr bulls Bulls out Jun 18 to Aug 31
Full herd heath , All heifers are horse handled
Apr 28/24 Bovishield Gold , Ultra Choice 8 Plus Ivomec
BVC mineral Program
Listed for Cliff O’How
16 Home Raised Heifers - 12 Black - 4 RBF
1 Cow
Heifers are bred to Black Angus Bulls, Cow is bred to a Simmental Bull that were turned out July 5 - Sept 9.
Cattle were given Fusiguard in July and Pyramid FP5 Presponse SQ, Cattlemaster 4 VL5 & Pour on in October
Listed for Y7 Enterprises Ltd
10 Charolais Middle Aged Cows
Bred to Charolais Bulls that were turned out from July 1 to September 1
Cows are vaccinated annually with Covexin plus & Tasvax 8 and are on full mineral program year round
Listed for Covered Wagon Cattle Company
8 Black Middle Aged Cows
Bred to Black Simmental or Black Angus Bulls that were turned out from July 1 to September 1
Cows are vaccinated annually with Covexin plus & Tasvax 8 and are on full mineral program year round
Listed for Lamont Cattle Company
40 RED/RBF/RWF breds.
Herd reduction of All ages. Heifers to mature cows.
Red cows bred to Hereford Bulls that were turned out June 19th.
RBF/RWF cows bred to red angus bulls turned out from June 19-July 24. Then Aug 1st the neighbour’s blk angus bull got in and couldn’t get him out until mid September
Listed for Schilling Farms
25 head of 1st-3rd calving, Home Raised, Black Angus Cows
Bred to Black Angus Bulls turned out July 5 for 60 days
They are on the Bovishield Gold Program, done in the fall
Listed for L & S Livestock - Lyle & Sheann Brosinsky
7 Black Purebred Angus Heifers
Bred to a Charolais Bull that was turned out July 29 - August 31
Heifers are on a full Border Vet vaccination program & have been given Ivomec
Listed for Harley Annett
10 Red & Black Heifers
5 Speckle Park 5th calving Cows & 2 Black 6th calvers
Bred to Black Angus Bulls that were turned out July 15
Listed for Fossen Farms Ltd.
10 middle aged Cows
Bred to Black Angus Bulls turned out June 25
Listed for Mundt’s Operations Inc.
10 hd of Home Raised second calving Black Cows
Bred to Red Angus & Red Simmental Bulls turned out July 6
Listed for Susan Senkiw
6 hd of Black Cows - 2nd calvers to mature cows
Bred to Simmental or Black Angus Bulls that were turned out June 18 - Sept 2
Regular Sale Featuring Calves
Slaughter cows and bulls fully steady. Calf market $5-10 higher. One contributors steer calves averaged nearly $3000/hd. People are wondering how much higher this market can go. Nobody knows, but what we do know is that this market means business. All the fundamentals are sound. The cattle are actually worth what they’re trading for, the market is led by cash trade not by futures, and retail demand is very strong and it appears to be getting stronger. Exports are improving. Consumer sentiment is the highest it’s been in 2 years. So, anything can happen but for now we have no reason to think that this strong market can’t continue into the new year. Also, we’ve been getting lots of questions about the prospect of tariffs in the new year. The answer to that question is not just unknown, it’s unknowable. It appears to be just a negotiating tactic. The financial markets reacted quickly but then went back to pre announcement levels within a couple days. So, the currency markets have basically shrugged it off. What we do know for sure is that we’re entering a period of uncertainty in trade and a more protectionist environment which is negative to all Canadian industries, not just agriculture. Oil is particularly vulnerable. What we also know for sure is that the beef business is on extremely sound footing. I think we’ll likely be ok. Ian.
Regular Sale Featuring Calves
Slaughter cows and bulls fully steady. Calf market very strong too, not rising as fast as it was but still noticeably higher in places. As of Friday CanFax reported that auction market volumes are down 16% year to date. So, we’ve made up a little ground but only a few percent. I think everyone is beginning to realize that numbers are finally about to fall dramatically. Perhaps the futures are realizing that too as they continue to rally. A little early to say and lots of things can happen in the current economic and political environment but it certainly looks like a very strong Q1 2025 for feeder cattle. Sure nice to see the snow too. Ian
Regular Sale Featuring Calves
Slaughter cows and bulls steady to $2 higher. Hopefully the low is in for the fall but I guess we’ll see. There’s been really good demand for slaughter cows all fall. Calf market continues to advance based on quickly diminishing supplies and a more positive futures market. I just feel like I should finish my thoughts from last week quickly. When I read it again I felt like I didn’t do a very good job of that. The financial markets are pricing in higher interest rates and higher inflation for longer due to bigger deficits and more tariffs causing higher prices for consumers. The thoughtis that this would have the effect of reducing beef demand in the future. I guess we’ll have to see. Right now it seems that the extremely positive fundamental situation makes these problems not as important. So I think while the economic situation is perhaps less favourable it doesn’t change our outlook very much. Looking ahead to bred sales it seems like heifers will trade from $4000-5500 per head. Seems like lots of money but it’s still historically quite cheap when compared to calf prices. Have a good week. Ian.
Calf Sale
Slaughter cows and bulls basically steady with last week. The US cull market has bottomed and is starting to rally slightly so maybe we’ll start to see that too. Calf prices continue to improve on declining numbers and more buyers entering the market. Lots of people have asked us what the effects of the US election will be on the cattle markets. There is no one on the planet that knows the answer to that. However, the financial markets may be giving us a clue. The stock market has rallied significantly based on expectations of increased government spending and deregulation. Interest rate futures have increased as well, based on much higher deficits due to decreased tax revenue and high government spending. Inflation is expected to increase based on tariffs on most imported goods. We just do not know what to expect on agricultural products as it seems like they will exempted but no one knows. So I think we can summarize the impact by saying we can expect a higher interest rate and higher inflation rate environment for longer. However, I believe that the fundamentals of the beef market are so strong that any negative effects from a US administration will be minor and mostly annoying, but I don’t think it changes our extremely positive outlook for the beef industry. We shall see. I’m guided by the fact that what political parties say to get elected is usually different than what they have to do once they’re in government. Ian
Regular Sale Featuring Calves
Regular Sale Featuring Calves Plus Feeders & Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Full Broadcast with Online Bidding
Calf Sale
Calf Sale
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Full Broadcast & online Bidding
Regular Sale Featuring Calves
Slaughter cows and bulls stabilized this week, supported by good demand and the addition of one more packer buyer. Yearlings steady to stronger again. Calf market is holding very firm, not really getting higher but showing resilience in the face of very large numbers. Some industry participants and market operators are optimistic about a big, late fall calf run. I’m not so sure. Southern Saskatchewan and Alberta have already seen peak numbers and volumes will drop precipitously after next week. In 10 days the fireworks will be over here too. As of Friday afternoon, according to Canfax, auction market volumes (including all video and forward delivery sales) were down 19% on a year to date basis. We have very little time to make that up. We’ll see what happens but my belief is that the calf run will be shockingly smaller due to reduced cow numbers and a sneaky high heifer retention. This will be very supportive to late season calf prices. Ian
Calf Sale Featuring The Sedalia Cattlemen’s Calf Sale
Calf Sale Featuring The Sedalia Cattlemen’s Calf Sale
Plus all other consignors
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Full Broadcast & online Bidding
Regular Sale Featuring Calves
Slaughter cows and bulls $10-15 lower, pressured by big cow volumes and one packer being off the market. Packers are losing hundreds of dollars on every cow they kill so they are trying to get the cows bought cheaper. They’re finding it hard though, as cow numbers are much lower due to a historically small cow herd and a tentative herd rebuilding effort. Expect the cow market to perform better than expectations even through the run. Yearling market $12-15 higher. Calves higher again, especially good quality. The big volumes right around the corner will test the resilience of this market but for now it looks extremely firm with a smaller herd and rapidly improving futures. Ian
Calf Sale Featuring The Sounding Lake Calf Sale
Calf Sale Featuring The Sounding Lake Calf Sale
Plus all other consignors
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Full Broadcast & online Bidding
Regular Sale Featuring Calves
Slaughter cows and bulls $5-8 stronger, defying the seasonal trend. Low numbers being offered may be the reason. Yearlingss took a big jump higher this week, up $10. The calf market began responding to a recovering futures market a few weeks ago but finally the yearlings are catching up. I just wanted to address the heifer-steer price spread this year. Heifers will always be worth less than steers. This is due to an approximately 15% poorer performance in the feedlot and a much lighter slaughter weight. However, some years are more extreme than others. When grain is high the spread is wider because of the poorer feedlot performance. That has been true the last couple years. What also comes into play is where we are in the cattle cycle. The last few years we have been in a liquidation phase where way fewer heifers have been retained for replacements. During this time we got as low as 85% of steer price. When we begin the expansion phase of the cycle this can get as high as 93%. It appears as though we are beginning to at least stop the liquidation. I think we can expect better returns for heifer calves going forward, which will add to the significant returns the cow calf producer is seeing. Of all the profit made in the whole cattle business right now the cow calf producer is capturing most of it. This will continue for the next few years and the extra dollars from the heifers will just add to it.
Calf market was stronger this week too, again defying the seasonal
Shortgrass SelectVAC Gold Calf Sale 2
Shortgrass SelectVAC Gold Calf Sale 2
Regular Sale with Calves Plus Feeders & Slaughter Cows & Bulls
We Will Feature
Char X Calves under the Select Gold Program Plus VBP
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
Full Broadcast & online Bidding
To book in cattle click here to contact us!
Listed for Marc Robitaille
Char x Calves - Cows on year long mineral, selectvac gold,VBP ,inforce at birth, bovigold vision som to grass—Sherwood Char bulls sire side —grass and milk no creep
Shortgrass SelectVAC Gold Calf Sale
Slaughter cow in the mid 170s mostly with a few cows in the low 180s. Bulls pretty steady. This market is a little lower than the highs but still historically very high. Had 3500 calves and they sold very well. I sold my own calves and averaged exactly $200 per head more on the same day and basically the same weight as last year. Sure looks like we bottomed the calf market in mid September. The cattle futures complex continues to improve as does the cash fat cattle price in the US. Other commodities including grain continue to improve too, with wheat improving nearly $1 a bushel (on the futures) since August. It looks like interest rate relief is starting to manifest itself in better demand for all commodities, including cattle. Exports are also improving. Have a good weekend. Ian
Regular Sale
Slaughter cows and bulls fully steady on low volumes. I think we can expect this market to hold up better than usual as we head into the fall run. Crazy demand for ground beef and limited numbers of slaughter cows make this a very solid market. Yearlings a little lower, especially the heavier steers. Calf market very strong, buoyed by rapidly improving 2025 cattle futures. It seems that we bottomed the futures and the calf market in mid September. Maybe we’ll see an improving market going forward? It certainly has moved higher in the last week or 2. Ian
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
To book in cattle click here to contact us!
Regular Sale Featuring Fall Forward Calf Sale
Regular Sale Featuring Fall Forward Calf Sale Plus Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
To book in cattle click here to contact us!
Fall Forward Calf Sale
We will feature Live ring sale
Plus Full Bidding and Broadcast of Forward Delivery Lots on Dryland Cattle online bidding
Listed for Rodvang Ranch Ltd. Fall Forward Calves
Listed for Byron Kelts Fall Forward Calves
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
To book in cattle click here to contact us!
Regular Sale
Some of our customers have been inquiring about our expectations and insights for the fall calf market. I wanted to share a few of my observations and general thoughts on the current market situation.
While prices have come down in the last few weeks, they are still the highest in history. The calves you sell this fall will fetch the highest prices you’ve ever received.
Fundamentals in the cattle market are solid and actually getting better. Retail beef prices are record high and getting higher and demand is excellent. Slaughter of fed cattle is going down as the industry deals with less numbers. Feedlot placements are lower YTD which means less supply in the months ahead. Cow numbers are low and retention is not occur- ring yet. Finally, corn prices are the lowest in years as the US is dealing with a record crop.
The cattle market is actually performing exactly as was forecast months ago.
What is causing concern in the market right now? The main issue is that the entire cattle futures complex has been under significant pressure in the past few weeks. This has affected the prices of yearlings and calves to some extent, but not as much as the drop in futures prices. Why has this happened?
1. In the past few weeks, there has been a decrease in the prices of all commodities such as grains, steel, aluminum, copper, oil, and lumber. This is due to the end of an inflationary peri- od, leading to a moderation in prices and a decrease in demand for goods. Traders are selling off commodities in general, including cattle, despite the positive fundamentals.
2. Cash prices of cattle are much higher than the futures. This is called a strong basis envi- ronment. When cattle are priced against a lower futures market, their value decreases. This is reflected in forward sales, where cattle for immediate delivery are worth more than those for future delivery. The lower futures market is particularly affecting the value of the calves, as they are marketed next year.
So, what are your marketing options? I think these are the most common options with some things to think about.
1. Forward Delivery. Some things to think about here. Remember that you’re pricing your calves against a futures market that has been under a lot of pressure recently. Also, not many agricultural consultants would recommend selling your entire crop on one day, but never mind, the same day every year. Also, when you sell your calves this way, a lot of the responsibilities and costs that the auction market has traditionally carried now fall on you. You will now be responsible for some sorting, loading, weighing, and feeding. Additionally, you may sell your calves to different buyers, which could require loading at different times or even on different days. Be prepared to handle this. Make sure you know what you have. Averaging 525 lbs is sig- nificantly different outcome then averaging 575 lbs as 50 lbs equals $250/head.
2. Auction Market. You can sell at auction whenever you choose, but you will take the price of the day. All the details and hassle are taken care of.
3. Sell In Portions. Sell a portion of your inventory and retain some until spring. Typically, peo- ple keep lightweight steers and heifers and add some weight to them. This can take advantage of a higher spring market and average out your price risk.
4. Backgrounding. Background all the calves till spring. This transfers all the price risk to the spring. However, feeding calves over the winter comes with health risks, labor, interest costs, and carries no guarantee it is a better market in the spring.
I’ve been trading in this market for almost 30 years and have made plenty of mistakes in the pro- cess. Just like you, my livelihood depends on this market, and I have to make investment decisions for myself and my family every day. One thing is certain - no one can predict what this market will do - no one! All I can do is share my own thoughts while making my marketing decisions. Re- member, it’s impossible to make a mistake here. Despite the recent downward pricing, your calves are more valuable now than ever before. As a cow-calf producer, you’re in a powerful position. So, don’t focus too much on the negativity. It is a fantastic year. Calves will be high all fall.
I want to share my personal thoughts. First, I am hesitant to price any inventory in the current market environment. The cattle market has much stronger fundamentals than what the futures are currently projecting. I believe we will see improvements in the futures in the next few weeks. Sec- ond, the weight of the calf is crucial for your earnings. An additional 50 lbs on your calf is worth $250, so keep that in mind. The total price of the calf depends more on its weight than on its price. The price per pound is less important than it has been.
Remember, the market is currently strong and has the potential to improve further. So time is on your side. There’s a lot of unnecessary negativity out there, considering the actual situation.
If there’s anything we can assist you with, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Also, keep in mind that all my comments are worth exactly what you paid for them!
Regular Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
To book in cattle click here to contact us!
Regular Sale Featuring Dryland Cattle Summer Classic Yearling Sale 2
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
To book in cattle click here to contact us!
Featuring Our
Dryland Cattle Summer Classic Yearling Sale 2
We will feature Live ring sale of Yearlings
Plus Full Bidding and Broadcast of Forward Delivery Lots
on Dryland Cattle
Lot 12
These Cattle are Sorted /Weighed
at the Market will sell on Video
Lot 13
Regular Sale Featuring Dryland Cattle Summer Classic Yearling Sale
Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
To book in cattle click here to contact us!
Featuring Our
Dryland Cattle Summer Classic Yearling Sale
We will feature Live ring sale of Yearlings
Plus Full Bidding and Broadcast of Forward Delivery Lots on DLMS
Click here to go to DLMS and Full Listing
Regular Sale featuring Pairs
Slaughter cows and bulls right back where they were a couple weeks ago, cows crowding $2. Grass yearling steers bring about $3200 a head. I think there’s room for these grass cattle to get a little higher in the weeks ahead. The Q1 2025 live cattle futures have been under a little pressure, feed grains just won’t break, and I think many feedlots aren’t quite ready for cattle. Add to that a little sticker shock on the price on these yearlings and the fact that the fat cattle aren’t making tons of money and you get a market that’s a little tentative. Still a very good market. Ian
Listed for Cromarty Land & Cattle
28 pairs - Mostly Black with a few Red Middle aged Cows with Simmental influenced calves
Calves have received 8-way, Bovishield Gold and have been banded
Cows are vaccinated annually and have not been exposed to a bull.