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Regular Sale with Feeders / Slaughter Cows & Bulls
You can choose the way you market your cattle.
Overnight / Pre-weigh
Pre-weigh Feeders will be sold sorted in lots of your own Cattle
To book in cattle click here to contact us!
Walker Farms & G Double Bar Farms
100 Bred Heifers
Mostly black & some red
Bred to black & red Angus Bulls
Bulls turned out July 15 for 45 days
these heifers are on the Bovi-shield Gold program & ultrabac 7
Vaccinated last spring
Jeff Proudfoot
9 reds one rwf
Bred red angus or Charolais
Bulls out July 1-aug 31
All animals are home raised
One bred heifer
Four second calvers
Mature cows
Everything is in good shape, we are just maxed out on water and need to move some animals